Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Speak out

Being a christian in today's world is hard. Constantly facing persecution, struggles about what is right and wrong. There are so many people who are so outspoken at my school, and don't care about what other people think of them, and they can embarrass themselves all day. Unfortunately, I am totally not one of those people. I really wish I could be, but today I had to give a 2 min. presentation in science, and I started shaking and stuttering. The thing is, I can get in front of 100 people and perform a play, but I can't come up with my own words in class.
As Christian's, we let people fill our mouths with words, and we really don't care, just like in a play. But we can't come up with our own words for situations. If we can't make our own words, what can we do? If you can't go and tell someone about your faith, what can you really accomplish?
My point is, speak up, be the person that God wants you to be, not who your peers want you to be.