Tuesday, November 17, 2009

HN at Christmas =D

So this is a picture of hawk nelson a few years ago :D HN is playing in my town TONIGHT...but i cant go. Its very sad :( anyways, since christmas is just around the corner, i thought this would be an appropriate picture(: (honestly, i think its wayyy 2 early for christmas stuff, thats just me. But i REALLY <3 this picture) -blog laterrr =D jesus loves youu(:

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Free Hugs(:

*free hugss(: hha i <3 this so muchh(: christian conventions really are the only place where dudes can ask for hugs and not be creepers(: *pursue night tonight, so excited

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I hear numerous cuss words a day, and i have become used -numb- to it. but now after momentum09 God has made me sensative to it...i think its kind of cool(:

Monday, November 2, 2009


So Momentum 09 was Friday and Saturday, and it was ah-mazing:) I had a blast hanging out with people, but more importantly worshiping God.
I L-O-V-E-D the worship time. It was totally awesome:) I'm not going to bore you with a bunch of details about how the weekend went, but it was amazing, and life-changing:)

Sorry for not blogging for like a month guys :)

Anyways . . . I just wanted to post that God really is amazing, and He loves you no matter what.

To sum up this very short post, I want to leave you with this short lyric I heard at M.09. Its really awesome(:

Greater things have yet to come,

and greater things are still to be done in this city