Monday, May 4, 2009


Okay, so I am in this small group at school called "Character Plus Council" Its a really lame group where 30 "top" students make lessons to teach to the students about character. So today, we were creating a lesson on "respect", and we have to give quotes on that topic to add to the lesson.
A certain person gave a quote of scripture, Matthew 22:39 "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

The teacher who runs this said we could not use this quote, just because it was from the Bible. WOW! I was so shocked. I mean, I know schools try to limit religion in school, but to not be allowed to give a quote by Jesus?! That seems a little far to me.

A few students, who are not Christians, backed her up by "yea, we shouldnt be putting bible in this lesson, thats just crap", or "totally, I feel like we all have our differences, and some people, these Christians, need to keep their religion to themselves." OMGOODNESS!! I could not believe what I was hearing.

It made me realize that as Christians, we really need to stand up for our beliefs, even if we are the only ones. I stress this so much, because the world is changing, and we need, no HAVE to stand up for Christ, and "Testify the Love".

well, thats all that I have for now...-peace :)