Saturday, May 2, 2009

City Museum

So I went to the city museum last night with tons of people. It was so much fun :) Sure I have a few scratches here and there, and sat in a wet puddle, but overall it was an ah-mazing night :) Some of the highlights of the night were:
-Christian made a trash can out of clay in the art room.
-Playing hide-and seek in the caves.
-Hiding in the best spot in the caves, only to find out that the game has ended, and the 20 other people you were playing with, has left the caves to leave you and 4 other people hiding without calling to say the game has ended :)
-The Giant pencil in the skateless skatepark :)
-Rope swinging
-climbing outside, and being scared to death everytime you look down.
-the dodgeball pit (fun until aaron pelts you in the back with a ball :(.)
-running around looking like idiots. (that has to be one of the best parts)
-Going into the small little tunnel into the whale, and getting closterphobic B-/
-Going to relax for a moment, sitting down, only to find out that there is a puddle right where you sat...

Man, the City museum is awesome :)