So I was told to blog more? Haha okay. So Christmas is in 4ish days! I am very excited. But the whole being grounded for a week is no help:/ So while Im not on myspace or facebook, I thought I would blog while I have the chance. So here it goes:
So in todays world the term "Merry CHRISTmas" is hardly ever used anymore. People now say "Happy Holidays" or something. It bothers me!! I mean, with out Christ, there would be no CHRISTmas.
I mean think about it, if Christ had never been born, we would have no christmas. Pretty obvious. But it really bugs me when people dont use christmas anymore.
I mean, think about where you would be today, where this world would be today, without Christ. Pretty scary stuff if you ask me.
So, please, say "Merry Christmas" :) its a simple gesture that means so much:)
Merry Christmas everyone! Ill try to blog more I promise!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry CHRISTmas
Posted by Summer at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
HN at Christmas =D
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Posted by Summer at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Free Hugs(:
Thank you for using Picture and Video Messaging by U.S. Cellular. See for info.
Posted by Summer at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I hear numerous cuss words a day, and i have become used -numb- to it. but now after momentum09 God has made me sensative to it...i think its kind of cool(:
Posted by Summer at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
So Momentum 09 was Friday and Saturday, and it was ah-mazing:) I had a blast hanging out with people, but more importantly worshiping God.
I L-O-V-E-D the worship time. It was totally awesome:) I'm not going to bore you with a bunch of details about how the weekend went, but it was amazing, and life-changing:)
Sorry for not blogging for like a month guys :)
Anyways . . . I just wanted to post that God really is amazing, and He loves you no matter what.
To sum up this very short post, I want to leave you with this short lyric I heard at M.09. Its really awesome(:
Greater things have yet to come,
and greater things are still to be done in this city
Posted by Summer at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Encouraging Words
I know I dont blog a whole lot lately, but I just want to say these two things:
The 1st thing is a Bible Verse I love:
"The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy... but I come so that you may have life, and have it to the full" - John 10:10
The second thing is just a simple lyric that we sing in Youth all the time. Its been in my head for awhile now so I thought I would post it:
You are stronger,
You are stronger,
Sin is broken
You have saved me.
It is written,
Christ is risen.
Jesus YOU are lord of ALL
Thanks guys :) God loves you, and is amazing. I hope this post gives you a little hope for the future.
love you guys :)
p.s.- the new HAWK NELSON cd is amazing, and my next post will be the lyrics of my favorite song on the cd :)
Posted by Summer at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Gen. 50:20
Sorry guys for not blogging in forever! I am officially a freshman :)
High School is a lot different than I thought it would be. The classes I am taking are pretty easy, which is a relief to me. The only thing I am really nervous about it World History and Biology. In both of those classes we will talk about evolution and things pertaining that subject. I have really been praying that God gives me a boldness to stand up for my beliefs in the Bible.
Besides class work though, school "social-life" has been okay. The year started off a little bit rocky because I did loose a lot of friends at the end of 8th grade. But that was kind of good because I know who my true friends are now. I have made new friends though, which is something that I was super nervous about in the beginning of the year.
I really don't have anything super spiritual to say, but I can say that the Youth group I am a part of is growning, both in numbers, but also in God. It is really cool to see God working in so many lives right now. I hope that it will continue to be like this for the rest of our lives :)
I just want to leave you with this verse: Genisis 50:20
"You intended to harm me, but GOD intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
Guys, don't let anything get you down. God has a greater plan for your life :)
God loves you :)
Posted by Summer at 11:12 AM 21 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
i have not blogged 4ever. sry guys. school has been so hectic! i have no time 2 blog:( anyways ill b sure 2 blog soon! god <3's youuu!
Posted by Summer at 7:39 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Mission Trip(:
Sorry for not blogging forever(: I've been so busy(: Anyways, I got back from the mission trip last Sunday. and it was amazing! I got so so much closer to God, made new friends, and made old friendships even stronger.
We started off the week meeting everyone who was going to be there. That was such a fun night. It was really cool to see a lot of people in one place passionate for God.
On the 2nd day, we started work projects. My team (a team is about 10 people who go to a site) started painting a house. I have never painted a house before, so it was a new experience for me. Plus it was a ton of fun to meet people who you don't know and just connect(:
The 3rd day we did work projects again, and finished the house. It was sad to leave the house, because it was a lot of fun to hang out with people all day(:
Next we started on Kids Club. Its pretty much a condensed version of VBS. It was a lot of fun(: We got to hang with a lot of cool and crazy kids. I was helping out with crafts, and we painted rocks(:
The next day it was the same thing, but still a lot of fun(:
The last day was one of the best. We got to hang out with all of the new friends we had made for a short period of time, then head on back to home(:
One of the things I enjoyed the most was the nightly "trips" we took. We would go visit a "historical" sight in the town, and learn more about the history of it all. It was really cool to see a small community from a different perspective.
All together it was a lot of fun, I can't wait 'til next years mission trip(:
P.S.- if you want to see pics, I have a TON on Facebook(:
Posted by Summer at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Camp was awesome!! It was totally life-changing. So much stuff happened that if I tried to explain it all, this would be a never ending post :)
To sum it all up-
The speaker was amazing
The band was totally awesome
I am the closest to God I have ever been
I was re-filled with the Holy Spirit (I spoke in tongues)
I was re-called to full time ministry
I cried just about every night at the altar
We raised a $7,000 speed the light offering
I made new friends
I had the best week of my life :)
I want to go back to camp sooooo baddddd!! But the mission trip is tomorrow!! I am so excited about that :)
Oh yeaa and one of my favorite parts of camp was when 900 students would all sing, without any music jut voices
"Our God will reign forever Our God will reign forever forever and ever"
"Jesus we're living for your name we will never be ashamed of you whoah oh oh our praise and all we are today, TAKE TAKE TAKE IT ALL."
ah... I love the Josh Hiers band :)
oh, and one last thought.... BLUE TEAM RULESSSSSS :DDDDD
Posted by Summer at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
This summer has gone by so fast! The month of July is full of trips and "stuff" for me. Next week I am going to camp! I am so excited about camp because I haven't been to the teen camp yet, and everyone says its amazing.
Then right after camp, 24 teens from my church are going to Osage OK for a Mission Trip. I am hands-down most excited for this trip. Mainly because I feel like I have been called to the mission field in Africa when I am older, and I think that the trip will give a glimpse into what the mission field is like on a smaller scale.
Then right after the mission trip, more students are going to FL for FAF Nationals. I am not going, but a lot of people are, and they are super excited about it.
So enough about what I am doing this summer.
Anyways, this last youth service was the best ever. In youth, we start out by singing a few songs, and really getting into the "mood" for the sermon. Then Pastor Marc delivers his sermon, then has an altar call where everyone goes down to the front and prays.
Well this week, we did worship as normal...but something wasn't "normal". The presence of God was real. It was there. So we kept on singing, and just praising God. This went on for a full hour. Then PMarc, as I call him, invites us all up front to pray, and pray we did. It was amazing. A group of students passionatly praying, all striving for a common goal. PMarc didn't even preach because time was up. We had spent just shy of 2 hours worshiping the God we all loved. Obviously, it was amazing.
Please be praying for these things. This is a portion of my prayer list:
-TBQ team, as they go into competition tomorrow in Nationals, that they give it there all, and honor you while doing so.
-Camp, that God prepares the hearts of those attending, and that we are open for change. Also that we can help others who don't know the love of God as much, or know the love of God come to Him, and live a life for Him.
-Mission trip, that you prepare the hearts and lives of those who we are helping, that they see you in everything we do. Also for the students going, that He humbles there hearts and that God just shows Himself to them.
Thank you so much :)
Posted by Summer at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
Live Life Loud
I cannot wait for it to be July. I am moving, going to camp, and then there is the Mission trip to OK. I am so excited. I am really excited for camp, because all of my favorite people are going, and I've never been to this camp, and according to the people who went last year, it's life changing.
Then we have the mission trip to a reservation is Osage, Oklahoma. I am probably most excited about this trip because a lot of people from our youth group are going, and everyone one who went last year said that it's amazing.
All of this is happening in a 3 week time period. insane.
To wrap this up, HN just released their EP, "Live Life Loud", and I am sooooooo excited. Here are the lyrics
Someone throw your hands up
If you wanna take a chance, then
You gotta sing a little louder
Let's wake this crowd up
Someone throw your hands up
If you wanna take a chance, then
You gotta sing a little louder
Let's wake this crowd up
I got a hankerin' for something special
Tonight's the night it becomes official
Don't stop the rock, hold both your hands up
S-show these people how to shake things up
I'm not sittin' down 'til I'm older
And I'm not shuttin' up 'til it's over
Raise your hands and shout if you're with me
Then once we start it won't make a difference
If you wanna live life loud, throw your hands up
If you wanna scream and shout, lemme hear you
Takin' all the fakers out if you're with me
Everybody work it, just keep living
Wow oh oh, wow oh oh, wow oh oh
I started figurin' with good intentions
Listen up now, give me your attention
Don't make a sound if you don't believe me
You won't wake up, you'll just keep living
Wow oh oh, wow oh oh, wow oh oh
I'm not sittin' down 'til I'm older
And I'm not shuttin' up 'til it's over
Raise your hands and shout if you're with me
Then once we start it won't make a difference
If you wanna live life loud, throw your hands up
If you wanna scream and shout, lemme hear you
Takin' all the fakers out if you're with me
Everybody work it, just keep living
Every time that I close my eyes,I catch a glimpse of the west coast sunrise
And I can tell you you're just as beautiful
Someone throw your hands upIf you wanna take a chance, then
You gotta sing a little louder
Let's wake this crowd up
Someone throw your hands up
If you wanna take a chance, then
You gotta sing a little louder
Let's wake this crowd up
If you wanna live life loud, throw your hands up
If you wanna scream and shout, lemme hear you
Takin' all the fakers out if you're with me
Everybody work it, just keep living
Wow oh oh, Wow oh oh (Just keep living) Wow oh oh
I love Hawk Nelson B-)
Posted by Summer at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Peace Love and Happiness
So I was reading Psalms 119, which is the longest chapter in the Bible. Here's verses 1-2.
"Happy are people of integrity, who follow the law of the Lord. Happy are those who obey His decrees and search for Him with all of their hearts."
Now, I was thinking . . . what goes along with happiness?? Peace and love of course :D
Luke 1:79 says
"Jesus will give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadows of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace."
Then 1 John 4:16 says "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him."
Now, if you know me, you know I love "peace, love, and happiness". I love it more when my best friend does the "motions" that go along with it :D But I never really thought about what the term actually means. But with the verses above, this is what I find the 3 words to mean:
Peace- When God shows us light, and calms us. It's when we just let go, and let God control whatever situation we are in.
Love- Love is being with God. When everything seems to be going wrong, its having that knowledge that God is going to show us a way out. It's when we surrender to God, and let Him know that we trust in Him.
Happiness- Having joy in our lives. Knowing that everything is taken care of, and just knowing God is there.
Peace, love, and happiness!
Posted by Summer at 3:40 PM 21 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I cant believe VBS (Vacation Bible School) is already over. I had the best group :) Yellow fireflies group #4. B-)
My favorite thing about VBS has to be the Praise and Worship. It's so cool to see so many kinds praising God together. Its so cool. Plus, everyone gets a work-out with all the crazy moves :D I love helping out with VBS. It is so much fun! When you are there, there is no doubt that you will have a bayou-tiful time [this years theme was a bayou, or swamp, whatever you want to call it:D] I loved it when all the kids in my group said that they can't wait til they are old enough to be a crew leader, so they can help other kids know Jesus :D
One of the days, we were singing "You are the Everlasting God, the Everlasting God. You do not faint, you won't grow weary. Your the defender of the weak, you comfort those is need, you lift us up on wings like eagles". To me, that just wraps up everything God does for us in a sense. A simple children's song. And it's cool to see all the kids singing this, doing the motions, with a huge smile on their faces :D
Another cool part is to see all the teens and adult workers get into the songs. Sure, the movements can be a little bit silly at times, but everyone gets into it at the end. And it's much fun to tell a friend to really get into the movements for just a couple seconds, and while they are doing to motions with such enthusiasm, the "picture-guy", as the kids call him, snaps a picture right then :D haha that was awesome :)
We also learned that when we have God, we don't have to fear anything. We learned a bible point every day, such as "God is with us", "God does what he says he'll do", and "God cares for is". And every time you hear one of the 5 points, you say "FEAR NOT!!" Which is so true! See, you can learn stuff at VBS :D
Posted by Summer at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thank you for using Picture and Video Messaging by U.S. Cellular. See for info.
Posted by Summer at 8:47 PM 16 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Rude Awakening
So I have been reading the "Left Behind" books, which are about teens who are left behind after the rapture, and show how they go through the Tribulation as normal teens. The books explain about all the judgements that will happen, like the Wrath Of The Lamb earthquake, which is basically a world-wide earthquake. What I love about these books, is that they describe it in as much detail as possible. Anyways, I was thinking about the books one day as I was on my way down near St. Louis. In the world-wide earthquake, pretty much all roads will be destroyed, and in the books there is a "scene" where the kids are trying to drive over a road after the quake. As I was driving, I was thinking what that road would look like after the quake. Then it hit me. Whoa. The rapture is coming..soon. And people are going to be on this world, in the state, this town, this road when everything happens. This is real. I think that people don't process that. This is the place where people will be when it happens. People are going to be here. HERE. I know I never seemed to think about that. That awakening made me think... as Christians, we need to step up our game, and stand up for God, and make him known.
Also, as I was having these thoughts, I thought of all my friends who I know are not saved, then I thought of the judgements that they would have to go through. It's scary, I don't want my best friend to endure when all along, I could have saved her. I could of told her of the saving grace. It makes me feel horrible to even think about what would happen to my friends if I never tell them of God. I know I always talk of witnessing, but no one can stress the importance.
Posted by Summer at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
So, as many of you know, my youth group is going on a Mission Trip to Osage, Oklahoma this summer. Well, it costs to go there, so we did fundraisers, because 24 people are going :) So we started fundraising a couple of weeks ago, and now we are already done! It is amazing! We raised a couple thousand bucks in a matter of weeks. God provides!! Its so cool :))
God provides for everything. You may not get what you want right away, and maybe not the way you wanted him to.
So God is amazing, simple as that :)
Posted by Summer at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
In You
I absolutely L-O-V-E this song by MercyMe: In You
Posted by Summer at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Elijah Samuel Rees
I just HAD to share this photo with you guys! That is my cousin, Krystal Rees. and that little guy is Elijah Samuel Rees!!! He was born yesturday, 21 inches, 9 lb. 14 oz. He is just so cute!! God's blessing truly is EVERYWHERE!! So yea, I just had to show you guys my new 2nd cousin!!
Posted by Summer at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Posted by Summer at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Communion. A common thing to do in Christian churches. But, do we really take into mind what we are doing?
At my church, we had a special Easter night service, and we took communion. My brother was in there, and he's only 6, so he doesn't understand the meaning of it. When he saw the "crackers" and "grape juice" being passes around, he said "mommy! Its snack time! I want a snack too!" Obviously, he's too young to take communion. But for those of us who do take it, do we see it as "snack time"?Communion is great. I love to hear Pastors words describing the night when Jesus and his 12 apostles took upon the 1st Holy Communion. I think since we do take communion regularly in church, we overlook the importance there is in it.
As the picture says above, it is a time to remember Christs sacrifice for us. We have to think about what we are doing when we partake of communion.
The Bread:
In my church, the bread we use is more like a Saltine. I'm not exactly sure what is actually is, but its like a cracker. I'm paraphrasing here, but this is along the lines of what Christ said during the 1st communion:
Christ held up the bread, "This is my body, broken for you. Eat it in remembrance of me"
The bread is symbolizing His body. It was broken for us.
The Wine:
At my church, we dont use wine, but we use grape juice. But in the 1st communion, they did use wine. Here is another one of my paraphrasings of the 1st communion:
Christ held up the wine, "This is my blood, shed for you. Drink it in rememnrance of me"
So hes saying that he shed his blood for us, AND broke his body for US.
Communion should always give new light unto Christs sacrifice for us. Again, I did paraphrase a lot of this, and this is my view on this subject, but thanks for reading :)
And remember: Communion isn't just "snack time" it's WAY more than that :)Posted by Summer at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
skating for Osage
I love ice skating! Its so awesome, even when 3 people have a plan of making you fall :). Its so cool to just hang out with people, while raising money for the Mission Trip :) I am so proud of myself.... I NEVER EVER fell! And this was only my 2nd time EVER! Im so happy :)
Posted by Summer at 9:20 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Yard Work
So yesterday I did yard work for the Mission trip at someones house with about 6 other people. It was so much fun I think. We worked all day, and sweated like crazy, but it gave everyone to talk and just get 2 know each other better. It was awesome to just hang. I probably lost "the game" a million times though, because people would randomly blurt out "I LOST THE GAME!". It was an all-over fun day. :)
Oh, btw, Happy mothers day to everyone out there.
So on a final note, I saw this thing on Face Book about the game. Its a great was 2 have people lose the game.
Say "Thug Aim" 5 times, FAST"
U lost the game. haha :)
-peace :)
Posted by Summer at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Game
if you hve no idea what the "game" is, check out this blog:
is so awesome :)
Posted by Summer at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Okay, so I am in this small group at school called "Character Plus Council" Its a really lame group where 30 "top" students make lessons to teach to the students about character. So today, we were creating a lesson on "respect", and we have to give quotes on that topic to add to the lesson.
A certain person gave a quote of scripture, Matthew 22:39 "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
The teacher who runs this said we could not use this quote, just because it was from the Bible. WOW! I was so shocked. I mean, I know schools try to limit religion in school, but to not be allowed to give a quote by Jesus?! That seems a little far to me.
A few students, who are not Christians, backed her up by "yea, we shouldnt be putting bible in this lesson, thats just crap", or "totally, I feel like we all have our differences, and some people, these Christians, need to keep their religion to themselves." OMGOODNESS!! I could not believe what I was hearing.
It made me realize that as Christians, we really need to stand up for our beliefs, even if we are the only ones. I stress this so much, because the world is changing, and we need, no HAVE to stand up for Christ, and "Testify the Love".
well, thats all that I have for now...-peace :)
Posted by Summer at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
City Museum
So I went to the city museum last night with tons of people. It was so much fun :) Sure I have a few scratches here and there, and sat in a wet puddle, but overall it was an ah-mazing night :) Some of the highlights of the night were:
-Christian made a trash can out of clay in the art room.
-Playing hide-and seek in the caves.
-Hiding in the best spot in the caves, only to find out that the game has ended, and the 20 other people you were playing with, has left the caves to leave you and 4 other people hiding without calling to say the game has ended :)
-The Giant pencil in the skateless skatepark :)
-Rope swinging
-climbing outside, and being scared to death everytime you look down.
-the dodgeball pit (fun until aaron pelts you in the back with a ball :(.)
-running around looking like idiots. (that has to be one of the best parts)
-Going into the small little tunnel into the whale, and getting closterphobic B-/
-Going to relax for a moment, sitting down, only to find out that there is a puddle right where you sat...
Man, the City museum is awesome :)
Posted by Summer at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Stand Through The Pain
Wow! FAF was awesome. It is so awesome to see so many teens living passionatly for god, and using their talents to glorify Him.
One of my very good friends sang "Stand in the Rain" by Superchick. The chorus is "stand in the rain, stand your ground, stand up when its all crashing down, stand through the pain you wont drown, and one day whats lost can be found, so stand in the rain"
I love this. Its saying no matter what happens, stand up, God is there for you no MATTER WHAT!! Ive been in a situation VERY recently, and Ive had to deal with something that someone said that I wasnt happy to hear. I was sad, and I still am, but Ive learned that even if you hear something that you dont want to, its okay to cry, but if you stand your ground, and stand up when everything seems to be crashing down, God is going to be there. He helps us through everything we go through.
So to close up this blog.. I wrote a story today about my youth group. This situation never happened, but everyone in it is a real person (besides Rayne) and their personalites are also true :)
Rayne Dunn was about to change her life, but she had no idea. She had just walked into a Christian youth group for the first time. Her parents had been invited by the neighbors, and they suggested Rayne go to the youth group that night. It was a warm, July night as Rayne walked outside to the youth building.
Rayne felt overwhelmed outside the huge “shed” that was the youth center. She was nervous to be in a place where she knew no one, but that soon changed.
As she walked through the doors, she was surrounded by seven people, all smiling and eager to get to know the new girl.
“Hi, I’m Josh,” one boy said. He looked about the age of 15, and Rayne could tell by his expression that he was happy to see her.
“Hi… I’m Rayne.” she said. There were seven faces looking at her, all with smiles on their faces.
“Hello. I’m Kourtni, its nice to meet you.”
Rayne learned five other names then, Kirstin, Autumn, Jacob, Hillari, and Audrey. All of which greeted her with sincere smiles and a “hello”.
“Alright everyone! Lets have a seat,” said the youth pastor, Marc. To Rayne, he seemed like the kind of guy who liked to have fun, but also loved God.
“Welcome everyone to ‘Life Unleashed. Tonight I’m going to go back to the basis of Christianity, and explore what being a Christian really means. Also the importance of dedication your life to Him, and how.”
One of the guys, Jacob, leaned over to whisper something in Rayne’s ear, “I hope you don’t mind if I ask, but are you a believer?”
“No, I really don’t know much about being one, or how.” Rayne replied.
“Okay, then I think this sermon should really help.” Jacob said back. As soon as he finished, Pastor Marc said “come on down worship team.” The truth was, Rayne had no idea what a ‘worship team’ was.
Then six people came up to the front. A drummer, Daniel and also three singers, Christine, Kourtni, and Christian. Then also a keyboarder, whom was also the youth pastors wife, Leah Beth. Then came up the first person Rayne had met that night, Josh, who played guitar.
Words came up on a screen, and Rayne assumed they were lyrics. Music started playing, and she skimmed the lyrics.
“The more I seek You,
The more I find You,
The more I find You,
The more I love You.”
Rayne wondered why ‘You” was capitalized, then she realized ‘You’ was God. As she finished reading, the worship team began singing. Everyone around her was singing, and some even began to raise their hands.
Rayne had the basic concepts of church down, because she was raised in church, but when her parents got divorced, and she moved in with her mom, they stopped going. Her dad was the churchgoer anyways. Now her mom was remarried to Brian, and they just moved into a new house a few weeks ago.
Rayne would of never moved if she has known Hanna and Ted Winston were going to be their neighbors. They were the ones who invited them to go tonight, and since Brian was a Christian, they went. She hasn’t been to a church since the divorce eight years ago.
Audrey, who was sitting to Rayne’s right, must have sensed Rayne’s uncertainty, and explained why people raise their hands during songs. They sang four more songs, then Pastor Marc came to the front.
Rayne felt a “tingling” throughout her body, and wondered what it was.
“God is here. His presence is so strong. I can feel the Holy Spirit in this place.”
One of Rayne’s old friends back in Wisconsin where she used to live, explained the trinity of God as three beings. Rayne got the concept, but she had never experienced it like she was now. Rayne felt a feeling she had never felt before. It was a feeling of love. It surrounded her like a warm blanket. Everyone sat, and Pastor Marc began his sermon.
He talked of the beginning of Christianity, which Rayne knew some about. She absorbed every ounce of his teaching. He began then talking about how Jesus died on a cross for everyone’s sins.
Rayne knew very little about this subject, and began thinking of all the sins in her life. There was that party three months ago where she had gotten drunk, or that day at school when she cussed out her best friend for stealing her boyfriend. The list seemed to go on and on. Rayne wondered how God could forgive her of all of her sins. She thought of herself as a good person, who was a little rough around the edges.
The pastor finished, and told everyone to come up front, and begin to pray. Rayne wanted to be forgiven of all of the sins, but how?
As she thought this, a circle had formed around her, and everyone was saying they wanted to pray for her.
“I really appreciate it, but I really don’t know how to pray, could you guys tell me how?”
A girl a little older that Rayne spoke up. Rayne was pretty sure her name was Danielle.
“Its like talking to someone. All you have to do is say something, and direct it to God. Its really simple.”
“I mean, I know what praying is, but I’m not what some would call a ‘good Christian girl’. I want to know how to pray a prayer to make me a Christian,” Rayne explained.
“Oh, well its very simple also,” a older boy, Zach said. “All you have to do is tell God that you know you have done wrong, and that he died on the cross for your sins. Then say that you want Him to forgive you, and that you love him, and want to follow him. Its pretty simple, but life-changing.”
“Oh, um… okay,” Rayne said. She, and everyone else in the circle closed their eyes. She heard a few people mumble prayers to themselves, thanking God for everything, then asking to show his love to Rayne. Rayne began praying, and felt calm after she said “amen”.
Everyone looked up at her and smiled. She smiled back, and they all got up. Some girls came up and gave her hugs, and she got email addresses and cell phone numbers followed by, “I’m always here to talk if you need it.”
She was let over to the mini-kitchen, and handed a cup of soda and a chocolate chip cookie. Her and a few other people began talking about anything and everything. They joked and laughed until about eight-thirty at night. A few people went, and Rayne got a text from her friend at school, saying “having a party tomorrow night, want to come? ;).” Rayne knew the party wouldn’t be a movie and popcorn, but filled with things that now seemed horrible to Rayne.
If she would of gotten the text message a few hours earlier, she would of said yes, and raced home to create an outfit to wear to party.
But now she was different. She had this feeling that the party wasn’t a good idea. As those thoughts filled her mind, a few girls approached her, asking if she wanted to come a sleepover at one of their houses tomorrow night. She agreed, and quickly typed back to her friend, “cant. I already have plans. I don’t think I’m going to go to anymore party’s like that. Sorry, talk later.” She closed her phone, and knew she had made the right choice. She was now a true believer in Jesus Christ, and nothing was going to stop her from loving him.
She walked out of the building towards her parents car. She stopped for a second, and turned around towards the building. She stood there, as the cool night breeze touched her, knowing that the people in there, just a small group of teenagers living passionately for God, had just changed her life.
Posted by Summer at 7:02 PM 6 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Faf is awesome! my poem got 35.7. 36 points gets u 2 nationals i was rly sad when i heard it but now i know just 2 try harder nxt yr its not about winnin anywys
Posted by Summer at 2:01 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
At lifegroups there was a dicsussion about is the bible a personal love letter? please comment nd tell me what u think B-) (god is so coool! random i know B-])
Posted by Summer at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
FAF talent nite is ovr! it was so amazing! it is so cool 2 c ppl use their talents 2 glorify god. WOW! i hve no idea y i was nrvous, it was so easy B-) 24/25!!!
Posted by Summer at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Well im blogging from my phone. so if u evr c a rly short blog, im prolly on my phone. -peace B-)
Posted by Summer at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
bible in a minute B-)
It feels like I havent made a video post for like the longest time! My sister found this amazing video called "Bible in a Minute" watch out all u bible quizers (TBQers), I can say I have memorized the whole bible :)
Isnt it like super amazing? lol
Posted by Summer at 8:48 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Its easter break YAY!! I am so happy becuase I need a break from school. I love it, yet my school is drama-filled. It gets sooooo annoying! So now thats its spring break, I need the summer. As the dean of my school puts it, I am catching "eight-grade itis". I find it to be a retarded name for wanting the school year to be over, and go onto bigger and better things, but I have to agree that it is a real thing!
This summer is going to be amazing! I will turn 14 on june 27th, end of july is the mission trip, and of course there will be tons of sleepovers! I am so excited for everything that is happening this summer! There's just one glitch... my cousin is getting married this summer in California. Well my moms side of the family lives over there, so we usually go there every summer. Well, the wedding is in the end of July... the same day of the mission trip. I am sad yet happy, sad- because I havent seen my family over there for about 2 years, happy- because I get to go to the mission trip this year : )
Then FAF is in about 15 days! I am sooo nervous! I mean, performing a Human Video in front of at least 100 people... yeah.. little nervous.
I want the summer to come NOW!!
-peace :)
Posted by Summer at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
Woo Hoo B-)
So this week has been kind of cool.
There is this girl in my drafting class, and she just asks randomly "can I come to church with you one day?"
whoa. Like she is totally a cusser, is dating a bi dude, and hangs with those people. I was so shocked with what she was saying. She was actually interested!!! amazing.
On another note: pastor marc has been talking about "our mission" and he said hopefully, we would get out mission this week or last. I got mine :)
Well ive always wanted to be a missionary, but I have never known where or what. God gave me a "vision" and I think he wants me to start a bible study type thing in Africa. Like a youth group almost. Thats really all I know so far :)
And I have been praying for like ever for God to tell me what to do, and I realize at youth this week, HE ANSWERED MY PRAYERS!!!! What an awesome god we serve!!
Well those are my thoughts for now B-)
Posted by Summer at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Battle IS WON IN PRAYER! I cannot express how much this is so true!! When life gets tough, bring it all to god.
Life is tough, life without god is tougher.
We serve a mighty and wonderful God. He knows your problems before you do. He knows what will happen, and makes everything happen for a reason. Give everything you have to God, and things will work out in the end.
-think about it
Posted by Summer at 6:39 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Reality Check!!
Reality Check: Fine Arts Festival is only a month away!!!!! For those of you who have no idea what FAF is, it's where Christian teens enter things to be judged, and to move up to Nation level.... like singing or performing, or writing, you get the point.
Well this year, 7 of us girls are doing a Human Video. Its where you act out to a song. Its actually really cool. We have been working on it for about 2 months now... and I think it is AWESOME!!
So last night, I was just laying in bed thinking about all the entries to FAF this year. Then Came my reality Check. It's only 1 month away... scary!! I have only gone one year, and last year, in the skit I performed in, there were probably only 20 people max. in the room watching us. Well in the room the Human Video's perform in, it seats 100 minimum, and HV's are the main "attraction" for people who have nothing going on at the moment, because they are really interesting to watch.
Yea, I'm not one for stage fright usually, but for this, I am like super nervous. Why you may ask, well I am standing on someones back in the beginning and end. In the beginning, I have a person supporting me from the back, but in the end, I don't. And I do not like falling in front of people much. So I am very nervous about that part.
Thats on April 25th. April 24th we are driving up to Decatur to stay an extra night and so we dont have to leave at 5:30 AM for those people who perform at 8. Well on the 24th.. I get my BRACES OFF!! Yay me!! I am like super duper excited!!
Well thats my thought for today.
-{peace} (love) [happiness]
Posted by Summer at 8:37 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A small cut can mean so much
Who knew a cut on a wrist could have so much potential? What I am talking about it a simple cut from a pencil on a wrist. Let me explain.
So on Sunday, in sunday school, there was this picture of a girl on a "worksheet" that we all had. One of my friends began coloring her eyes in, and adding tears, making her look emo. So in the moment. I took a very sharp pencil and pretended to "cut" myself. It actually did hurt... anyways, so I got into the shower next morning, and felt a burn on my wrist. There was actually a cut from the pencil on my left wrist. I was just hoping no one would notice.
So I go to school the next morning and there is this guy, who is a real-life cutter. He came up to me, and asked "So your a cutter too huh?" I was shocked. " Oh no, I um.... got a cut in sunday school". His reply "You go to church? That must be a really weird church". I began to explain the whole situation, saying I dont have a weird church, just some weird people (I love you guys!!!) I explained to him about my church, beliefs, and other "churchy" stuff. He actually seemed interested.
Now this next thing is really cool: I didn't even know his name. I just found it out today. It was amazing, someone who I would almost never even talk to, engaged me in a conversation about God!! Ahhh! I thought that was amazing :)
Well that is my cool story that God has done in my life, and others this week :)
Posted by Summer at 9:30 PM 9 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Jason Dunn ♥
I absolutly love this video it is amazing!!
I know I have posted this video b4, but I love it. It is soo cool :)
of course it is JD from Hawk Nelson :)
Posted by Summer at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
I hate school. Let me restate that, I dislike the people at my school. DRAMA!!!! Ugh, I have like 3 actual true friends at school, and the rest are just people who you have added them as friends on Facebook just to beat your sister (and mother) in friend count.... not like its a competition..... B-)
On my youth Pastor's blog : there is a discussion question : What are the three best things that people do to build and maintain a healthy relationship and what are the three worst things that people do to tear apart a relationship?
I must say, this discussion question has really impacted the way I think about who is my friend and who is not. Some people are saying "... then are they really your friend?" And I have to say, it makes me think about who I consider a best friend, and who actually is.
I always stress this in almost ever blog, friends are a vital part in everyones life. Without my friends, I wouldn't be the same person I am today, my friends have showed me (at church) what it means to be a friend, and I take that into my school with those 5 day friends.
Being a Christian in a Public school is hard, but what I try to do it take things I do at youth to school. I mean, I have people saying "snippy" because I am always saying it, so that shows that people copy what others say.... so if every christian in a public school starts saying positive things, wouldn't it almost change the way people act??
That's just how I feel.
Posted by Summer at 4:07 PM 35 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I really cant explain this week. Its been filled with emotions, tears, laughs, and love from God.
I have been through a LOT this week, and all i can say is that a good friend is something that is priceless. Emotions are good, and bad. This week, i cant decide which mine were. All I have to say about it, is that forgivness it key. If you cant get over something small, how can you acomplish anything?
Anyways, FAF is coming up, so I thought I would post the Poem that I am entering.
What I Saw
Forgiveness, freedom, love, hope, and life.
All of these things describe something, but what?
I ask myself, what one thing could possess all five things?
I ponder this, waiting for something extraordinary to come to mind.
That’s what came to me, there is nothing these five words could explain.
I looked around, finding my bible.
Then I saw it.
There was actually something these five words could describe.
No, it wasn’t the bible, nor the words inside, but the picture baring the front.
A symbol of forgiveness, freedom, love, hope, and life.
Who knew a five letter word could explain so much?
This thing could not just hold these meanings, but it showed a story.
A story of trial, everlasting life, and a fathers love for his children.
What did I see?
I saw the cross.
Hope U like... comment :)
Posted by Summer at 9:42 PM 28 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Is this Weird???
Sorry for not blogging for awhile... I have been SUPER busy this week.
So if you have read some of my past blogs, you know that I am trying to read the bible in 1 year.... Yea... im in Numbers... you know... the 4th book.... yea.... its hard. So, I have changed it to "Read The Bible In One Year" to "Read the Bible". I used to think that if you were a Christian, you had to have read the complete bible, and know everything about it. Recently I have dicovered that it's not about how much of the Bible you read, but it's about getting to know God more, and learning.
Anyways... new topic.
Friend have become a major part in my life recently. (facebook can do that to people) I love all of you youth group friends.
Okay.... please tell me if this is weird, or sounds bad.
I feel closer to the people I see 2-3 days a week at youth more that the people I see at school 7 days a week.
When I say this.... I mean I have better relationships with my youth group friends, then those people I call my best friends at school. I know God brings people together.. and I love to hang with the youth after an amazing service, because everyone is calm, and the presents of God is still in the room. At school, none of my friends are really Christian, so we dont have that "bond".
Please tell me if this is weird.
Posted by Summer at 10:26 AM 38 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
My Favorite Bible Story
I feel like I haven't blogged forever, and that's probably because I haven't. I apologize. I have been so busy lately. It feels like everything is happening at once. I mean.... facebook, school, Fine Arts Practice, texting... you get the point. Sometimes life gets very overwhelming.
Like I said, I have been addicted to facebook lately. I must say.... it is awesome. :) But a few of us from my youth group have been having an "email" message on FB together, and we have been asking each other questions, really random ones. Someone asked "What is your favorite Bible Story?" I had to think about that one, I mean there are so many. I finally decided on Esther.
What I like about Esther is that she put God's Will first. She knew that if the king found out that she was Jew, she would be killed. She went into the whole ordeal knowing what could happen. She also followed God's rules for her, and didn't go by her plan.
I also like the fact that she was an orphan, raised be her uncle, Mordecai. It shows you that God can use anyone, in any situation, even an orphan.
Her story also shows that God works on his own time and season. He puts you in a situation, good or bad, for a reason. He used her on a time in which he wanted.
I like.... make that love the story of Esther.
BTW: here is a cool link about Esther:
Posted by Summer at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ahh, this week so far has been amazing/crazy. Sunday was cool, cuz i got 2 spend some time with some of my fave people at church all day, then tuesday there was life groups! yay, and this morning i got contacts... and then youth!
About life groups.........
so if u have been reading past blogs, u know that my youth group and i had and outreach called WNL. Well last night, my youth pastor said that some church near by wants us to come 2 their youth group and performe! LOL!!! I am really excited, and hope we are able 2 do that. Then........
illinois is split up into 4 sections regarding youth groups. Well every year, they have this thing where all the youth groups in the section can go somewhere i think... and just get 2gether.. (idk about all the details about this).... and my youth pastor wants to ask or something if we could perform WNL there... okay, if i am right about everything.... thats like 1000 people.... yeah.... thats a lot of people.
Either way, i really hope that we get 2 performe.
Posted by Summer at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Friends are tough. Plain and simple. If you have friends, you will have drama. I have 3 main friends at school, and they are now fighting... yay. I am so in the middle of it too. And it doesnt help that I have 2 people who want 2 get 2 know god/talk about god. I mean, it is great and all, but just soo much. Having three friends who are leaning on you to help, and telling you all the drama. Then having two people pick your brain about God, its tough.
The human video is starting up, and we have chose the song "Hero" by Superchic[k]. The song talks about lost people at school who want to commit suicide, and how we have to step up and be heros. It really makes me realize that as Christians in public schools, there are so many people who are lost and just like the song says. It makes me feel guilty for all the times I have had to witness, and I have just avoided them. hmm.....
Posted by Summer at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
If you have read my blog in the past few days, you know that there is this guy at school who wanted 2 talk to me about God at school 2day. Well... he was sick 2day :( so he wasn't at school. I was really kind of mad, because I had been praying and learning myself just to get ready for it. Oh well, hopefully he shows up someday this week.
Have any of you ever tried 2 read the whole bible in a year? Well, I am trying 2 do that. I am in Leviticus some where, and I must say, it is very hard 2 try to read everyday. I mean, I have an ok memory, but that is just like my weakness or something.
Posted by Summer at 3:53 PM 23 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Amazing Weekend

Posted by Summer at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Need some help plz!
Okay, so there is this guy @ school, and he saw me reading the "Left Behind" series about 4 teens who get left behind after the rapture. He asked me why I read "science fiction". I said they r like the best books eva, and that I was a Christian. He told me that God was not real, to just go google it and everyone else believes that he isnt real too. Okay... ummm.... So the bell rang, and he says that he wants 2 hve a convo with me on tuesday about God. I really wanna b prepared with some verses or something, so if you hve any good verses that I could use as a reference that wood b amazing.
Also, I hve a bff who is also a Christian, and she doesnt cuss, and I dont either. We hve been asking friends 2 stop cussing, at least around us... and guess what... they do! I know I hve wrote on this b4, but just think about it if 1/2 the school wood stop cussing? IDK, just seems really cool 2 me, bcuz my school has problems :). What is that verse that says not 2 fill ur mouth with evil words?
lol. so i hvnt posted a good video for awhile, so here u go:
Posted by Summer at 9:10 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
So wnl is officially over. I am really sad, because I had so much fun with it.
Have you ever heard a high school student say that you have to choose a relationship with your peers or God for your high school career?
I've been thinking about this for a while now because I will start hs next year. I knew that God was more important in my life than anything else, but i still love my friends. I began thinking why can't you have both?
Becauase if we have both, but still keep God closer, wouldn't it be way easier to witness?
Have you ever tried to witness to a stranger? Doesn't seen to easy now does it? So wouldn't choosing God, and peers seem the best way as long as you stay close to God and keep away from any wrong?
I don't know, it just seems like it would be way easier.
Sorry bout not blogging 4 a while! :)
Posted by Summer at 3:55 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
WNL... actually turns out awesome! (duh!)
So I took my friend to WNL and I really didn't think that she got anything out of it. But after she texted me and asked how she could join youth group! She says it sounds cool, and that she hopes she would like it!
Then today she was talking and saying that she couldn't go somewhere with a friend this wed. night bcuz she had church! Okay, so she wants 2 come 2 church! yay!
I am so happy because we didn't have a very big turn out and I really didn't see too much reaction from the crowd on a spiritual level.
I am also nervous 4 the encore presentation of wnl on a sunday morning... yeah... not really looking forward 2 that... hmmm.
Well signing off for now...
doesn't God work awesomely???
Posted by Summer at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
WNL was awesome. Everyone did amazing, and the few mistakes there were, recovery was easy, and very funny. I invited my friend to come, and she invited her other friend to come.
It was so cool. lol. I am still nervous bout SML.
BTW: Hawk Nelson's new cd is coming out in July!
The mission trip is coming up soon, and I am so excited, because I have been feeling that God wants me 2 b a missionary, so I think it would be a good time to see if I am cut out to do missions.
well i g2g.
Posted by Summer at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 31, 2009
So WNL is in like 5 days, and I am so excited. Then on Facebook yesterday, I found out that the Pastor of my church wants us to perform the WHOLE thing on a Sunday morning. Yeah, if you haven't realized yet, 2 other girls and myself have to use Guitar hero guitars, and jam out to a hard-core version of the Veggie-Tales theme song. yeah, I'm not so excited about that part, or having to get up @ 6 that day so I can get 2 church by 8. yay...
I am really nervous... lol. I don't even know why. I mean, I know almost everyone @ my church, so whats 2 b afraid of? U tell me.
Posted by Summer at 11:19 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I <3 music. I am actually listening to some now, (of course it is hawk nelson) but music is like candy. all you have to do is through out the rappers! ha ha I am so funny! Music can send so many messages to people.
Messages can be good and bad, like God is amazing vs. have sex. I mean, there are so many messages being send.
I used to be into the whole, "I'm so sad" kind of thing, which brought my attitude down. Now I listen to "I'm so happy" (go to autumns blog, and you will c)
BTW, I only like 1 rapper, KJ-52.
Yeah... lol.
Posted by Summer at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hawk Nelson
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
So WNL is tonight, hopefully. If you read my sister's blog, you can see that we put so much effort into making it perfect, and praying for everything, and now there are a few inches of snow outside. On the other hand, if it does get cancelled, one of my friends can go. So I am kind of on the line right now.
I have had so much fun planning this. Friendships get stronger, and so many other things, and to see it go down the drain in a way, is depressing. So many people might not come tonight if it isn't cancelled, and so many people couldn't come if it was next week. I am so torn right now!
So please pray that everything runs smoothly and that God's will will be done. :D
Posted by Summer at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Winter Jam Pics!
Thats Jacob in the very corner, Josh, and then Luke, and in the back is Jason, Jo-Jo, and Dani. Luke is the really really scary one (jk)
Posted by Summer at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hawk Nelson, weird friends, Winter Jam