Communion. A common thing to do in Christian churches. But, do we really take into mind what we are doing?
At my church, we had a special Easter night service, and we took communion. My brother was in there, and he's only 6, so he doesn't understand the meaning of it. When he saw the "crackers" and "grape juice" being passes around, he said "mommy! Its snack time! I want a snack too!" Obviously, he's too young to take communion. But for those of us who do take it, do we see it as "snack time"?Communion is great. I love to hear Pastors words describing the night when Jesus and his 12 apostles took upon the 1st Holy Communion. I think since we do take communion regularly in church, we overlook the importance there is in it.
As the picture says above, it is a time to remember Christs sacrifice for us. We have to think about what we are doing when we partake of communion.
The Bread:
In my church, the bread we use is more like a Saltine. I'm not exactly sure what is actually is, but its like a cracker. I'm paraphrasing here, but this is along the lines of what Christ said during the 1st communion:
Christ held up the bread, "This is my body, broken for you. Eat it in remembrance of me"
The bread is symbolizing His body. It was broken for us.
The Wine:
At my church, we dont use wine, but we use grape juice. But in the 1st communion, they did use wine. Here is another one of my paraphrasings of the 1st communion:
Christ held up the wine, "This is my blood, shed for you. Drink it in rememnrance of me"
So hes saying that he shed his blood for us, AND broke his body for US.
Communion should always give new light unto Christs sacrifice for us. Again, I did paraphrase a lot of this, and this is my view on this subject, but thanks for reading :)
And remember: Communion isn't just "snack time" it's WAY more than that :)
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