Wow! FAF was awesome. It is so awesome to see so many teens living passionatly for god, and using their talents to glorify Him.
One of my very good friends sang "Stand in the Rain" by Superchick. The chorus is "stand in the rain, stand your ground, stand up when its all crashing down, stand through the pain you wont drown, and one day whats lost can be found, so stand in the rain"
I love this. Its saying no matter what happens, stand up, God is there for you no MATTER WHAT!! Ive been in a situation VERY recently, and Ive had to deal with something that someone said that I wasnt happy to hear. I was sad, and I still am, but Ive learned that even if you hear something that you dont want to, its okay to cry, but if you stand your ground, and stand up when everything seems to be crashing down, God is going to be there. He helps us through everything we go through.
So to close up this blog.. I wrote a story today about my youth group. This situation never happened, but everyone in it is a real person (besides Rayne) and their personalites are also true :)
Rayne Dunn was about to change her life, but she had no idea. She had just walked into a Christian youth group for the first time. Her parents had been invited by the neighbors, and they suggested Rayne go to the youth group that night. It was a warm, July night as Rayne walked outside to the youth building.
Rayne felt overwhelmed outside the huge “shed” that was the youth center. She was nervous to be in a place where she knew no one, but that soon changed.
As she walked through the doors, she was surrounded by seven people, all smiling and eager to get to know the new girl.
“Hi, I’m Josh,” one boy said. He looked about the age of 15, and Rayne could tell by his expression that he was happy to see her.
“Hi… I’m Rayne.” she said. There were seven faces looking at her, all with smiles on their faces.
“Hello. I’m Kourtni, its nice to meet you.”
Rayne learned five other names then, Kirstin, Autumn, Jacob, Hillari, and Audrey. All of which greeted her with sincere smiles and a “hello”.
“Alright everyone! Lets have a seat,” said the youth pastor, Marc. To Rayne, he seemed like the kind of guy who liked to have fun, but also loved God.
“Welcome everyone to ‘Life Unleashed. Tonight I’m going to go back to the basis of Christianity, and explore what being a Christian really means. Also the importance of dedication your life to Him, and how.”
One of the guys, Jacob, leaned over to whisper something in Rayne’s ear, “I hope you don’t mind if I ask, but are you a believer?”
“No, I really don’t know much about being one, or how.” Rayne replied.
“Okay, then I think this sermon should really help.” Jacob said back. As soon as he finished, Pastor Marc said “come on down worship team.” The truth was, Rayne had no idea what a ‘worship team’ was.
Then six people came up to the front. A drummer, Daniel and also three singers, Christine, Kourtni, and Christian. Then also a keyboarder, whom was also the youth pastors wife, Leah Beth. Then came up the first person Rayne had met that night, Josh, who played guitar.
Words came up on a screen, and Rayne assumed they were lyrics. Music started playing, and she skimmed the lyrics.
“The more I seek You,
The more I find You,
The more I find You,
The more I love You.”
Rayne wondered why ‘You” was capitalized, then she realized ‘You’ was God. As she finished reading, the worship team began singing. Everyone around her was singing, and some even began to raise their hands.
Rayne had the basic concepts of church down, because she was raised in church, but when her parents got divorced, and she moved in with her mom, they stopped going. Her dad was the churchgoer anyways. Now her mom was remarried to Brian, and they just moved into a new house a few weeks ago.
Rayne would of never moved if she has known Hanna and Ted Winston were going to be their neighbors. They were the ones who invited them to go tonight, and since Brian was a Christian, they went. She hasn’t been to a church since the divorce eight years ago.
Audrey, who was sitting to Rayne’s right, must have sensed Rayne’s uncertainty, and explained why people raise their hands during songs. They sang four more songs, then Pastor Marc came to the front.
Rayne felt a “tingling” throughout her body, and wondered what it was.
“God is here. His presence is so strong. I can feel the Holy Spirit in this place.”
One of Rayne’s old friends back in Wisconsin where she used to live, explained the trinity of God as three beings. Rayne got the concept, but she had never experienced it like she was now. Rayne felt a feeling she had never felt before. It was a feeling of love. It surrounded her like a warm blanket. Everyone sat, and Pastor Marc began his sermon.
He talked of the beginning of Christianity, which Rayne knew some about. She absorbed every ounce of his teaching. He began then talking about how Jesus died on a cross for everyone’s sins.
Rayne knew very little about this subject, and began thinking of all the sins in her life. There was that party three months ago where she had gotten drunk, or that day at school when she cussed out her best friend for stealing her boyfriend. The list seemed to go on and on. Rayne wondered how God could forgive her of all of her sins. She thought of herself as a good person, who was a little rough around the edges.
The pastor finished, and told everyone to come up front, and begin to pray. Rayne wanted to be forgiven of all of the sins, but how?
As she thought this, a circle had formed around her, and everyone was saying they wanted to pray for her.
“I really appreciate it, but I really don’t know how to pray, could you guys tell me how?”
A girl a little older that Rayne spoke up. Rayne was pretty sure her name was Danielle.
“Its like talking to someone. All you have to do is say something, and direct it to God. Its really simple.”
“I mean, I know what praying is, but I’m not what some would call a ‘good Christian girl’. I want to know how to pray a prayer to make me a Christian,” Rayne explained.
“Oh, well its very simple also,” a older boy, Zach said. “All you have to do is tell God that you know you have done wrong, and that he died on the cross for your sins. Then say that you want Him to forgive you, and that you love him, and want to follow him. Its pretty simple, but life-changing.”
“Oh, um… okay,” Rayne said. She, and everyone else in the circle closed their eyes. She heard a few people mumble prayers to themselves, thanking God for everything, then asking to show his love to Rayne. Rayne began praying, and felt calm after she said “amen”.
Everyone looked up at her and smiled. She smiled back, and they all got up. Some girls came up and gave her hugs, and she got email addresses and cell phone numbers followed by, “I’m always here to talk if you need it.”
She was let over to the mini-kitchen, and handed a cup of soda and a chocolate chip cookie. Her and a few other people began talking about anything and everything. They joked and laughed until about eight-thirty at night. A few people went, and Rayne got a text from her friend at school, saying “having a party tomorrow night, want to come? ;).” Rayne knew the party wouldn’t be a movie and popcorn, but filled with things that now seemed horrible to Rayne.
If she would of gotten the text message a few hours earlier, she would of said yes, and raced home to create an outfit to wear to party.
But now she was different. She had this feeling that the party wasn’t a good idea. As those thoughts filled her mind, a few girls approached her, asking if she wanted to come a sleepover at one of their houses tomorrow night. She agreed, and quickly typed back to her friend, “cant. I already have plans. I don’t think I’m going to go to anymore party’s like that. Sorry, talk later.” She closed her phone, and knew she had made the right choice. She was now a true believer in Jesus Christ, and nothing was going to stop her from loving him.
She walked out of the building towards her parents car. She stopped for a second, and turned around towards the building. She stood there, as the cool night breeze touched her, knowing that the people in there, just a small group of teenagers living passionately for God, had just changed her life.
pakaian busana muslim
8 years ago
This is a cool story and everything, but what kind of a name is Rayne? lol
whatever. I name almost all the girl characters rayne lol
All the girl characters? What?
if I make a story, I usually name the girls rayne lol.
Y? lol its a weird name....
not as weird as j.a.w. ... :)
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