Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Favorite Bible Story

I feel like I haven't blogged forever, and that's probably because I haven't. I apologize. I have been so busy lately. It feels like everything is happening at once. I mean.... facebook, school, Fine Arts Practice, texting... you get the point. Sometimes life gets very overwhelming.

Like I said, I have been addicted to facebook lately. I must say.... it is awesome. :) But a few of us from my youth group have been having an "email" message on FB together, and we have been asking each other questions, really random ones. Someone asked "What is your favorite Bible Story?" I had to think about that one, I mean there are so many. I finally decided on Esther.

What I like about Esther is that she put God's Will first. She knew that if the king found out that she was Jew, she would be killed. She went into the whole ordeal knowing what could happen. She also followed God's rules for her, and didn't go by her plan.

I also like the fact that she was an orphan, raised be her uncle, Mordecai. It shows you that God can use anyone, in any situation, even an orphan.

Her story also shows that God works on his own time and season. He puts you in a situation, good or bad, for a reason. He used her on a time in which he wanted.

I like.... make that love the story of Esther.

BTW: here is a cool link about Esther: