Friday, February 13, 2009

Need some help plz!

Okay, so there is this guy @ school, and he saw me reading the "Left Behind" series about 4 teens who get left behind after the rapture. He asked me why I read "science fiction". I said they r like the best books eva, and that I was a Christian. He told me that God was not real, to just go google it and everyone else believes that he isnt real too. Okay... ummm.... So the bell rang, and he says that he wants 2 hve a convo with me on tuesday about God. I really wanna b prepared with some verses or something, so if you hve any good verses that I could use as a reference that wood b amazing.

Also, I hve a bff who is also a Christian, and she doesnt cuss, and I dont either. We hve been asking friends 2 stop cussing, at least around us... and guess what... they do! I know I hve wrote on this b4, but just think about it if 1/2 the school wood stop cussing? IDK, just seems really cool 2 me, bcuz my school has problems :). What is that verse that says not 2 fill ur mouth with evil words?

lol. so i hvnt posted a good video for awhile, so here u go:


Josh said...

Summer this is the time....Your opportunity is now, God has given you the chance to defend your faith! Use it, defend it!! I'll pray that the Holy Spirit gives you the words to say!!! Summer don't take this for granted!

Zach said...

If it gets too serious, you could crack a joke and say the same Google that says there is no God also says there is one.

Anonymous said...

We will be praying for you and that individual. The Lord will give you the words he would have you to say.