Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rude Awakening

So I have been reading the "Left Behind" books, which are about teens who are left behind after the rapture, and show how they go through the Tribulation as normal teens. The books explain about all the judgements that will happen, like the Wrath Of The Lamb earthquake, which is basically a world-wide earthquake. What I love about these books, is that they describe it in as much detail as possible. Anyways, I was thinking about the books one day as I was on my way down near St. Louis. In the world-wide earthquake, pretty much all roads will be destroyed, and in the books there is a "scene" where the kids are trying to drive over a road after the quake. As I was driving, I was thinking what that road would look like after the quake. Then it hit me. Whoa. The rapture is coming..soon. And people are going to be on this world, in the state, this town, this road when everything happens. This is real. I think that people don't process that. This is the place where people will be when it happens. People are going to be here. HERE. I know I never seemed to think about that. That awakening made me think... as Christians, we need to step up our game, and stand up for God, and make him known.
Also, as I was having these thoughts, I thought of all my friends who I know are not saved, then I thought of the judgements that they would have to go through. It's scary, I don't want my best friend to endure when all along, I could have saved her. I could of told her of the saving grace. It makes me feel horrible to even think about what would happen to my friends if I never tell them of God. I know I always talk of witnessing, but no one can stress the importance.