Sunday, March 29, 2009


The Battle IS WON IN PRAYER! I cannot express how much this is so true!! When life gets tough, bring it all to god.

Life is tough, life without god is tougher.

We serve a mighty and wonderful God. He knows your problems before you do. He knows what will happen, and makes everything happen for a reason. Give everything you have to God, and things will work out in the end.

-think about it

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reality Check!!

Reality Check: Fine Arts Festival is only a month away!!!!! For those of you who have no idea what FAF is, it's where Christian teens enter things to be judged, and to move up to Nation level.... like singing or performing, or writing, you get the point.

Well this year, 7 of us girls are doing a Human Video. Its where you act out to a song. Its actually really cool. We have been working on it for about 2 months now... and I think it is AWESOME!!

So last night, I was just laying in bed thinking about all the entries to FAF this year. Then Came my reality Check. It's only 1 month away... scary!! I have only gone one year, and last year, in the skit I performed in, there were probably only 20 people max. in the room watching us. Well in the room the Human Video's perform in, it seats 100 minimum, and HV's are the main "attraction" for people who have nothing going on at the moment, because they are really interesting to watch.

Yea, I'm not one for stage fright usually, but for this, I am like super nervous. Why you may ask, well I am standing on someones back in the beginning and end. In the beginning, I have a person supporting me from the back, but in the end, I don't. And I do not like falling in front of people much. So I am very nervous about that part.

Thats on April 25th. April 24th we are driving up to Decatur to stay an extra night and so we dont have to leave at 5:30 AM for those people who perform at 8. Well on the 24th.. I get my BRACES OFF!! Yay me!! I am like super duper excited!!

Well thats my thought for today.

-{peace} (love) [happiness]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A small cut can mean so much

Who knew a cut on a wrist could have so much potential? What I am talking about it a simple cut from a pencil on a wrist. Let me explain.
So on Sunday, in sunday school, there was this picture of a girl on a "worksheet" that we all had. One of my friends began coloring her eyes in, and adding tears, making her look emo. So in the moment. I took a very sharp pencil and pretended to "cut" myself. It actually did hurt... anyways, so I got into the shower next morning, and felt a burn on my wrist. There was actually a cut from the pencil on my left wrist. I was just hoping no one would notice.
So I go to school the next morning and there is this guy, who is a real-life cutter. He came up to me, and asked "So your a cutter too huh?" I was shocked. " Oh no, I um.... got a cut in sunday school". His reply "You go to church? That must be a really weird church". I began to explain the whole situation, saying I dont have a weird church, just some weird people (I love you guys!!!) I explained to him about my church, beliefs, and other "churchy" stuff. He actually seemed interested.
Now this next thing is really cool: I didn't even know his name. I just found it out today. It was amazing, someone who I would almost never even talk to, engaged me in a conversation about God!! Ahhh! I thought that was amazing :)

Well that is my cool story that God has done in my life, and others this week :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Those Crazy People

So, I am always blogging about my church friends, so I thought I would show you a couple of pics of these crazy people :)

I have posted some of these pics before.

So these are those weird people I call my best friends:)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Jason Dunn ♥

I absolutly love this video it is amazing!!

I know I have posted this video b4, but I love it. It is soo cool :)

of course it is JD from Hawk Nelson :)

Friday, March 20, 2009


I hate school. Let me restate that, I dislike the people at my school. DRAMA!!!! Ugh, I have like 3 actual true friends at school, and the rest are just people who you have added them as friends on Facebook just to beat your sister (and mother) in friend count.... not like its a competition..... B-)

On my youth Pastor's blog : there is a discussion question : What are the three best things that people do to build and maintain a healthy relationship and what are the three worst things that people do to tear apart a relationship?

I must say, this discussion question has really impacted the way I think about who is my friend and who is not. Some people are saying "... then are they really your friend?" And I have to say, it makes me think about who I consider a best friend, and who actually is.

I always stress this in almost ever blog, friends are a vital part in everyones life. Without my friends, I wouldn't be the same person I am today, my friends have showed me (at church) what it means to be a friend, and I take that into my school with those 5 day friends.

Being a Christian in a Public school is hard, but what I try to do it take things I do at youth to school. I mean, I have people saying "snippy" because I am always saying it, so that shows that people copy what others say.... so if every christian in a public school starts saying positive things, wouldn't it almost change the way people act??

That's just how I feel.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I really cant explain this week. Its been filled with emotions, tears, laughs, and love from God.

I have been through a LOT this week, and all i can say is that a good friend is something that is priceless. Emotions are good, and bad. This week, i cant decide which mine were. All I have to say about it, is that forgivness it key. If you cant get over something small, how can you acomplish anything?

Anyways, FAF is coming up, so I thought I would post the Poem that I am entering.

What I Saw
Forgiveness, freedom, love, hope, and life.
All of these things describe something, but what?
I ask myself, what one thing could possess all five things?
I ponder this, waiting for something extraordinary to come to mind.
That’s what came to me, there is nothing these five words could explain.
I looked around, finding my bible.
Then I saw it.
There was actually something these five words could describe.
No, it wasn’t the bible, nor the words inside, but the picture baring the front.
A symbol of forgiveness, freedom, love, hope, and life.
Who knew a five letter word could explain so much?
This thing could not just hold these meanings, but it showed a story.
A story of trial, everlasting life, and a fathers love for his children.
What did I see?
I saw the cross.

Hope U like... comment :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Is this Weird???

Sorry for not blogging for awhile... I have been SUPER busy this week.
So if you have read some of my past blogs, you know that I am trying to read the bible in 1 year.... Yea... im in Numbers... you know... the 4th book.... yea.... its hard. So, I have changed it to "Read The Bible In One Year" to "Read the Bible". I used to think that if you were a Christian, you had to have read the complete bible, and know everything about it. Recently I have dicovered that it's not about how much of the Bible you read, but it's about getting to know God more, and learning.

Anyways... new topic.

Friend have become a major part in my life recently. (facebook can do that to people) I love all of you youth group friends.

Okay.... please tell me if this is weird, or sounds bad.

I feel closer to the people I see 2-3 days a week at youth more that the people I see at school 7 days a week.

When I say this.... I mean I have better relationships with my youth group friends, then those people I call my best friends at school. I know God brings people together.. and I love to hang with the youth after an amazing service, because everyone is calm, and the presents of God is still in the room. At school, none of my friends are really Christian, so we dont have that "bond".
Please tell me if this is weird.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Favorite Bible Story

I feel like I haven't blogged forever, and that's probably because I haven't. I apologize. I have been so busy lately. It feels like everything is happening at once. I mean.... facebook, school, Fine Arts Practice, texting... you get the point. Sometimes life gets very overwhelming.

Like I said, I have been addicted to facebook lately. I must say.... it is awesome. :) But a few of us from my youth group have been having an "email" message on FB together, and we have been asking each other questions, really random ones. Someone asked "What is your favorite Bible Story?" I had to think about that one, I mean there are so many. I finally decided on Esther.

What I like about Esther is that she put God's Will first. She knew that if the king found out that she was Jew, she would be killed. She went into the whole ordeal knowing what could happen. She also followed God's rules for her, and didn't go by her plan.

I also like the fact that she was an orphan, raised be her uncle, Mordecai. It shows you that God can use anyone, in any situation, even an orphan.

Her story also shows that God works on his own time and season. He puts you in a situation, good or bad, for a reason. He used her on a time in which he wanted.

I like.... make that love the story of Esther.

BTW: here is a cool link about Esther: