Ahh, this week so far has been amazing/crazy. Sunday was cool, cuz i got 2 spend some time with some of my fave people at church all day, then tuesday there was life groups! yay, and this morning i got contacts... and then youth!
About life groups.........
so if u have been reading past blogs, u know that my youth group and i had and outreach called WNL. Well last night, my youth pastor said that some church near by wants us to come 2 their youth group and performe! LOL!!! I am really excited, and hope we are able 2 do that. Then........
illinois is split up into 4 sections regarding youth groups. Well every year, they have this thing where all the youth groups in the section can go somewhere i think... and just get 2gether.. (idk about all the details about this).... and my youth pastor wants to ask or something if we could perform WNL there... okay, if i am right about everything.... thats like 1000 people.... yeah.... thats a lot of people.
Either way, i really hope that we get 2 performe.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Posted by Summer at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Friends are tough. Plain and simple. If you have friends, you will have drama. I have 3 main friends at school, and they are now fighting... yay. I am so in the middle of it too. And it doesnt help that I have 2 people who want 2 get 2 know god/talk about god. I mean, it is great and all, but just soo much. Having three friends who are leaning on you to help, and telling you all the drama. Then having two people pick your brain about God, its tough.
The human video is starting up, and we have chose the song "Hero" by Superchic[k]. The song talks about lost people at school who want to commit suicide, and how we have to step up and be heros. It really makes me realize that as Christians in public schools, there are so many people who are lost and just like the song says. It makes me feel guilty for all the times I have had to witness, and I have just avoided them. hmm.....
Posted by Summer at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
If you have read my blog in the past few days, you know that there is this guy at school who wanted 2 talk to me about God at school 2day. Well... he was sick 2day :( so he wasn't at school. I was really kind of mad, because I had been praying and learning myself just to get ready for it. Oh well, hopefully he shows up someday this week.
Have any of you ever tried 2 read the whole bible in a year? Well, I am trying 2 do that. I am in Leviticus some where, and I must say, it is very hard 2 try to read everyday. I mean, I have an ok memory, but that is just like my weakness or something.
Posted by Summer at 3:53 PM 23 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Amazing Weekend

Posted by Summer at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Need some help plz!
Okay, so there is this guy @ school, and he saw me reading the "Left Behind" series about 4 teens who get left behind after the rapture. He asked me why I read "science fiction". I said they r like the best books eva, and that I was a Christian. He told me that God was not real, to just go google it and everyone else believes that he isnt real too. Okay... ummm.... So the bell rang, and he says that he wants 2 hve a convo with me on tuesday about God. I really wanna b prepared with some verses or something, so if you hve any good verses that I could use as a reference that wood b amazing.
Also, I hve a bff who is also a Christian, and she doesnt cuss, and I dont either. We hve been asking friends 2 stop cussing, at least around us... and guess what... they do! I know I hve wrote on this b4, but just think about it if 1/2 the school wood stop cussing? IDK, just seems really cool 2 me, bcuz my school has problems :). What is that verse that says not 2 fill ur mouth with evil words?
lol. so i hvnt posted a good video for awhile, so here u go:
Posted by Summer at 9:10 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
So wnl is officially over. I am really sad, because I had so much fun with it.
Have you ever heard a high school student say that you have to choose a relationship with your peers or God for your high school career?
I've been thinking about this for a while now because I will start hs next year. I knew that God was more important in my life than anything else, but i still love my friends. I began thinking why can't you have both?
Becauase if we have both, but still keep God closer, wouldn't it be way easier to witness?
Have you ever tried to witness to a stranger? Doesn't seen to easy now does it? So wouldn't choosing God, and peers seem the best way as long as you stay close to God and keep away from any wrong?
I don't know, it just seems like it would be way easier.
Sorry bout not blogging 4 a while! :)
Posted by Summer at 3:55 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
WNL... actually turns out awesome! (duh!)
So I took my friend to WNL and I really didn't think that she got anything out of it. But after she texted me and asked how she could join youth group! She says it sounds cool, and that she hopes she would like it!
Then today she was talking and saying that she couldn't go somewhere with a friend this wed. night bcuz she had church! Okay, so she wants 2 come 2 church! yay!
I am so happy because we didn't have a very big turn out and I really didn't see too much reaction from the crowd on a spiritual level.
I am also nervous 4 the encore presentation of wnl on a sunday morning... yeah... not really looking forward 2 that... hmmm.
Well signing off for now...
doesn't God work awesomely???
Posted by Summer at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
WNL was awesome. Everyone did amazing, and the few mistakes there were, recovery was easy, and very funny. I invited my friend to come, and she invited her other friend to come.
It was so cool. lol. I am still nervous bout SML.
BTW: Hawk Nelson's new cd is coming out in July!
The mission trip is coming up soon, and I am so excited, because I have been feeling that God wants me 2 b a missionary, so I think it would be a good time to see if I am cut out to do missions.
well i g2g.
Posted by Summer at 4:35 PM 0 comments