Sorry for noy blogging in such a long time. I don't even know if anyone reads this. But summer is slowly coming to an end, and I thought I would update you guys on it (:
First was the mission trip to west virginia. It was a lot of fun. Unlike last year, it was more about showing God's love to others, not me getting closer to God; which I did, but that wasn't the main focus this time. I really liked that, because it helped me see that with my calling in missions, its not about me feeling so in love with God and getting a spiritual high, but its about helping others come to God. It was a great feeling.
We painted a house, and my team, team tacocat, was so much fun. It was really cool to see everyone come together for the greater good, all drama and pasts behind. We really connected to eachother. And it was amazing how greatful the homeowners were for our work. It was amazing how something so insignificant to us is so meaningful to them. It really made me re-evaluate my life.
After that, I went to visit my family in California with my siblings. It was awesome to see people whom I haven't seen in over 3 years. I love my family so much, and I was so greatful to be there with them for 2 weeks. Plus, California is an amazing place, and I would totally consiter college there (:
Six days later, I was at Breakaway Youth Camp. One of the best weeks of my life, every year. It was amazing. Worship had to be the best part. I can't describe how amazing it is to see 500+ students worship God for an hour+ every single night. I wish worship was a lot longer, because I would of stayed there with my arms raised emersed in my Kings arms. It was crazy.
It was also fun during the day, when we did color competitions, and played all sorts of crazy games, all while making friendships with other teens from IL.
ps- PURPLE team should of won, because we were beasts (: but RED team ended up with the title, so good job guys (:
Overall though, it was a great week. I became SO much closer to God, and also other teens in my youth group who also went.
Now, summer is slowly coming to an end. I'm kind of excited for school to start, just because I miss all my friends (:
I'll try to right more often, later (:
ps- the speaker at camp, Kieth Robinson, challenged us all to pray a simple prayer everyday that God would close the mouth of Hell over Illinois for one year, so that His name can be glorified throughout IL, and into the world.
I thought that was pretty cool (:
Friday, July 30, 2010
God's Summer (:
Posted by Summer at 2:49 PM 6 comments
Thursday, May 20, 2010
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Posted by Summer at 1:12 PM 4 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry CHRISTmas
So I was told to blog more? Haha okay. So Christmas is in 4ish days! I am very excited. But the whole being grounded for a week is no help:/ So while Im not on myspace or facebook, I thought I would blog while I have the chance. So here it goes:
So in todays world the term "Merry CHRISTmas" is hardly ever used anymore. People now say "Happy Holidays" or something. It bothers me!! I mean, with out Christ, there would be no CHRISTmas.
I mean think about it, if Christ had never been born, we would have no christmas. Pretty obvious. But it really bugs me when people dont use christmas anymore.
I mean, think about where you would be today, where this world would be today, without Christ. Pretty scary stuff if you ask me.
So, please, say "Merry Christmas" :) its a simple gesture that means so much:)
Merry Christmas everyone! Ill try to blog more I promise!
Posted by Summer at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
HN at Christmas =D
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Posted by Summer at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Free Hugs(:
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Posted by Summer at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I hear numerous cuss words a day, and i have become used -numb- to it. but now after momentum09 God has made me sensative to it...i think its kind of cool(:
Posted by Summer at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
So Momentum 09 was Friday and Saturday, and it was ah-mazing:) I had a blast hanging out with people, but more importantly worshiping God.
I L-O-V-E-D the worship time. It was totally awesome:) I'm not going to bore you with a bunch of details about how the weekend went, but it was amazing, and life-changing:)
Sorry for not blogging for like a month guys :)
Anyways . . . I just wanted to post that God really is amazing, and He loves you no matter what.
To sum up this very short post, I want to leave you with this short lyric I heard at M.09. Its really awesome(:
Greater things have yet to come,
and greater things are still to be done in this city
Posted by Summer at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Encouraging Words
I know I dont blog a whole lot lately, but I just want to say these two things:
The 1st thing is a Bible Verse I love:
"The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy... but I come so that you may have life, and have it to the full" - John 10:10
The second thing is just a simple lyric that we sing in Youth all the time. Its been in my head for awhile now so I thought I would post it:
You are stronger,
You are stronger,
Sin is broken
You have saved me.
It is written,
Christ is risen.
Jesus YOU are lord of ALL
Thanks guys :) God loves you, and is amazing. I hope this post gives you a little hope for the future.
love you guys :)
p.s.- the new HAWK NELSON cd is amazing, and my next post will be the lyrics of my favorite song on the cd :)
Posted by Summer at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Gen. 50:20
Sorry guys for not blogging in forever! I am officially a freshman :)
High School is a lot different than I thought it would be. The classes I am taking are pretty easy, which is a relief to me. The only thing I am really nervous about it World History and Biology. In both of those classes we will talk about evolution and things pertaining that subject. I have really been praying that God gives me a boldness to stand up for my beliefs in the Bible.
Besides class work though, school "social-life" has been okay. The year started off a little bit rocky because I did loose a lot of friends at the end of 8th grade. But that was kind of good because I know who my true friends are now. I have made new friends though, which is something that I was super nervous about in the beginning of the year.
I really don't have anything super spiritual to say, but I can say that the Youth group I am a part of is growning, both in numbers, but also in God. It is really cool to see God working in so many lives right now. I hope that it will continue to be like this for the rest of our lives :)
I just want to leave you with this verse: Genisis 50:20
"You intended to harm me, but GOD intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
Guys, don't let anything get you down. God has a greater plan for your life :)
God loves you :)
Posted by Summer at 11:12 AM 21 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
i have not blogged 4ever. sry guys. school has been so hectic! i have no time 2 blog:( anyways ill b sure 2 blog soon! god <3's youuu!
Posted by Summer at 7:39 PM 3 comments